Thursday, August 15, 2013

Currently Loving...

So this week has been one for the books. We have started the "idea" of weaning Isabella from Formula (She's been on Similac Sensitive in the Orange Tub) and I have been racking my brain for baby friendly meal ideas! It's tougher than I thought it would be! We cook a lot, but a lot of what Cory and I consume has some spice to it - we have a cabinet FULL of Cholula (and restock constantly)!! So far I have come up with:
- Grilled Cheese on Sourdough (we love Sourdough!)
- Chicken in pieces with Mashed Potatoes
- Avocado, String Cheese (in pieces), and turkey (in pieces)
- Turkey Sandwich with Green Beans
**We just bought Cheerios to hopefully make the switch from Puffs to Multi-Grain Cheerios (one of mama's FAV'S!)

I'd LOVE any tips or meal suggestions, I never realized how tricky it would be to transition into non baby eating!

Aside from meal shananigans, we have been busy planning Isabella's Birthday and trying to beat the Nevada HEAT. We recently went into Reno (because we live in the middle of nowhere so Reno is our go-to) and did some birthday shopping as well as a trip to TEXAS ROADHOUSE! If you haven't been, GO! They have food similar to Outback Steakhouse but with a much more adventurous, "rowdy" atmosphere. Bella LOVED it! Typically we hit up BJ's Brewhouse whenever we are in an area of one, but Texas Roadhouse was a great change from the norm.

On the topic of food, I have discovered a gem! Trader Joe's Balsamic GLAZE. comes out thicker than regular balsamic and perfect for a Caprese! Cory hates tomatoes but I could eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner so I jumped at making a Caprese for a side dish to one of our meals! (he picked out the Mozzarella ;) just sliced tomato, fresh basil, mozzarella, drizzle of olive oil, and a dripping of the balsamic glaze! (**** side note: I saw a balsamic glaze at Safeway the other day, so it's super available!)
And last but not least, a little bit of Isabella action! I can't believe my babe is gonna be ONE on September 3rd! Time flies! She has been loving her Fisher Price Bright Beginnings Spray 'N Lights Bath Whale, and I have to say, I'm pretty intrigued by him too! He is so entertaining and quite the little show! Highly Recommend!
                                      Follow us on Instagram!!!!: corymolly1014

                         We love meeting and following other IG and Blogging Mommas!

                  Happy Thursday Everyone! Time to crack open some Fall Beers and celebrate!!

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