Monday, July 29, 2013

Big Day!

Cory has been gone for two weeks for work and FINALLY arrived home Thursday afternoon (thank GOD)! It's safe to say the entire house was in hysterics and beyond excited to have him home (dogs included). Cory finally got to see Bella walk (she started when he was gone - go figure) and we got to BBQ, drink beer, and laugh together for whole weekend! Here are some photos to recap the excitment:

I swear she was thrilled! She's got my personality: "If I'm hungry don't talk to me!"
Purchased these Gold Shoes for Bella's First Birthday Party and in love! 

Isabella was intrigued by the sparkles on her feet! Too big though: Size 3?!

Someone help me out with baby shoe sizes because I clearly don't get it.  But they're pretty glamorous, love them!

And I'll leave you with this. Cory just got home and someone was screaming "dadadadadada"  off the top of her lungs. She sure is her mom's daughter. Feisty little lady.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Isabella's Baptism

This post is a little late (because I recently started blogging) But, I just had to document Bella's Baptism! I am from San Diego so we decided to drive home and have her Baptism at the church I grew up going to and the Reception at my parents house. She was just a little trooper the day of and didn't cry one bit. I was a proud mama! 

Ahh I wish she didn't have her Pacifier in this pic!

She was clearly bored...hah!

Blurry family shot, the best we got!

And the money shot!

No crying, and I might add there were three other children getting baptized and they all cried.  Good job Belly Bells!

Our priest was fantastic!

Us with our two (yes, two)  Godmothers! 

And I'll leave you with this little decked out beauty! Doesn't get much cuter!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

First Birthday Party Planning

So Isabella's First Birthday is Sept. 3rd, right around the corner! We decided to have her party August 31st ( her original due date - and a Saturday) and I have so many ideas I am busting at the seams. First thing's first, the theme: Pink Ombre, Gold (and a mix of Chevron because I am ever so obsessed). Here are some pinterest ideas I am loving so far. I am for sure doing this chalkboard display... (but with chalkboard markers, I'm not that talented!)
Chalkboard Stats for First Birthday!
Ombre Cake - my bff Marie is going to make Bella's cake. She is such a good baker!
Cake Batter Cookies - from Pinterest. Worth it?

Mimosa Bar!
Way too fitting for our family and friends. And yes, booze will be served!

My night of First Birthday planning after Bella went to sleep. Wine much?

On a separate note: Bella is loving Earths Best Apple Turkey Cranberry. If you haven't tried it for your little one, DO IT!

Happy Sunday Everyone, Bring on Monday ;)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Our Week in Photos

So this week has been - long. Whenever Cory is gone for work it's difficult, not only because he misses time with Bella but also because I don't have any help! I stay home during the day with Isabella, so I am definitely used to taking care of her, but boy do I appreciate the evenings when Cory and I can share the parental duties! One very big moment this week...
Isabella is officially walking!

This was bittersweet - I am so proud of my little nugget but so sad that Cory was out of town for this HUGE milestone.
Now the fun begins....

A motto I think we should all live by.


Monday, July 15, 2013

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Isabella is 10 months old!

Isabella is 10 months old (well, 10 months and 12 days to be exact), it's crazy how fast time flies! She is so much fun to play with and now that she is starting to "walk" and "talk" things are getting even more entertaining! I am currently in the midst of planning her first Birthday party - can you say Pinterest?! 
Here's her first photo!
At 10 months old!

First Teeth (finally!) at 10 months

10 Month Stats:
Weight: 17ish pounds (was 16 at 9 month appt)
Height: 27 inches
Words: Dada, Mama, Bubba, Yeah
Favorite Foods: Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese
Beverages: Formula and Water
Milestones: Walked all on her own at 10 months 12 days! 
Favorite Toys: Sophie the giraffe (still) and any iphone or tv remote she can get her hands on!